My organic olive oil

Organic Olive Oil

Many of you have found yourself in the unfortunate situation to buy olive oil paying for the fresh Organic extra virgin olive oil but have noticed that finally got “pig in a poke .”

Then we will give you some simple instructions – steps that you are able to discern the quality of the olive oil you buy.
Principle : “The olive oil we understand the nose and tongue. Not with the neck . ” So said the old farmer with unerring experience and you should not forget , that simply put the olive oil you choose, look good odor and taste not as if it’s hot … in our neck .

1st step – Odor. With reverence and love blessed in product approaching our noses almost touching the mouth of the pot with the olive oil and trying literally , with half-closed or closed eyes , to ” suck ” with consecutive two – three breaths, all the smell. Let your imagination run and form Mental pictures . If the olive oil is fresh, you will be inundated with vibrant flavors of olive and nature , as it came at the time of the oil mill . Those who have an increased sense of smell perfume can remind you and fruit

Note: If the aroma is pleasant, your nose will not get enough to suck .

However, if you come annoying odors that remind mold, spoiled cheese , stale or burnt oil or Earthy then start wary of the ” olive oil” to be agorasetedioti is neither virgin nor extremely fresh. To help you remember how smell the olive oil from a candle when it ends or how smell the olive oil that you have forgotten for more than a year in a tin or bottle . Unpleasant odors are an important disadvantage of olive oil and products such odors should be avoided.
Practically, if the odor is unpleasant , your nose will be ‘ flooded ‘ , you start trouble in the second inhalation and will ” ask ” to move away from olive oil .

Step 2 – Flavor. Place in a small glass of olive oil. The method we’re testing the oil with your finger is not sufficient for reliable conclusions . We make sure the olive oil is not frozen during the test. For this reason ” embrace ” the glass with the palms for 1-2 minutes to raise the temperature and to release more components of olive oil .
Then try small sips with your tongue fill your entire oral cavity . Begin to feel the flavors language first and then your palate for 2 seconds at most before you swallow it . Your taste is predominant feeling the thick continuous alternation of bittersweet taste . When the olive oil is green olive oil , ie green fruit , dominated by bitter – spicy – peppery taste and is characteristic of ” Koroneiki ” variety. Rather more dominant sweet flavor when the fruit is ripe and black and is usually characteristic of the variety ‘ Manaki “.

1 : The bitter – spicy – peppery flavor of green olive oil is characteristic of extra virgin olive oil and in no case, however , is not considered a defect . Instead, you should know that the green olive oil is not only more durable but contain more valuable components and more antioxidants , which are known as anticancer .

2 : As you swallow the olive oil can feel a slight “burning” in our neck . This has nothing to do with the disagreeable that you mention below. You should not bother you at all and neither can get into ” your account because all the fresh olive oil ( more or less) will leave you for a while this feeling . Conversely , if the taste you feel uncomfortable ” disagreeable “or” tingling “. for ease remember what flavor is the olive oil that comes to the plate of fried steaks if you eat the next day, or bring to mind when you eat corny pie , pies , etc. If you feel in your mouth can taste bitter and unbearable as when you swallow a bitter medicine If your going out on the tongue, palate or lips feeling , oils , detergents Then it comes to anything other than extra virgin olive oil and it is advisable to avoid .

Step 3 – Color .While color is not a direct test of the quality of the organic olive oil,