The olive’s history begins many years before the organized life of humans on earth. Olive tree fossils have been found at Athens, in Greece, dating from twenty million years ago, while studies mention that its cultivation was known around 4000 B.C.
In Greece, Οlive oil
is called “liquid gold” by Homer, while during antiquity, apart from its nutritional use, it was a symbol of health and power, a medicine and a source of magic and admiration. Today, there are about 800 million olive trees worldwide, of which about 95% are cultivated in the Mediterranean basin. In Greece, olive trees occupy an area that corresponds to about 15% of the cultivated agricultural land and 75% of the areas of tree cultivations.
Olive oil is produced in oil mills, with cold or hot compression of the olives. Modern oil mills are industrial or small business units with modern equipment, however, there are also some small mills attached to the fields, where processing is carried out using traditional systems. The processing of the olives begins with separation and washing. The olives are transported to the oil mill, which consists of crushers or millstones. After the first crushing and pressing, the first oil is extracted which is the one of the highest quality. This is followed by a second processing in the oil mill, from which the second oil is extracted. Finally, a third extraction is done, from which, with the use of rapidly circulating centrifugal oil separators, olive pomace oil is extracted which is suitable for industrial use.

Greek extra virgin Olive Oil
has a great nutritional value and is considered one of the best in the world. This is due to the special soil and climatic conditions of the country, as well as the production conditions which include, among others: mountainous and semi-mountainous cultivation areas far from industrial activities, mild development and utilization methods of the olive trees and long-term personal and family commitment of the producers to the specific type of cultivation. Bio-Olivenöl aus Griechenland